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do both male and female budgies talk?

Can Male And Female Budgies Talk?

Budgies are talkative parrots, happy to sing, whistle, and mimic human speech.

They can understand lexical stress and mimic a wide vocabulary of words when properly instructed. However, not every budgie will speak, depending on age, personality, and gender.

Both male and female budgies can talk and mimic human sounds. Regardless of sex, budgies possess the same vocal organs that allow them to vocalize.

However, males are more likely to speak because they use this talent in the wild. Females are better at whistling and vocalizing and may be resistant to talking.

Repetition is vital in ensuring your pet budgies pick up new words and phrases to add to their vocabulary.

Do Both Male And Female Budgies Talk?

Contrary to some people’s beliefs, both male and female budgies can talk.

They both possess the same vocal organs that allow this species to mimic sounds at large, including human speech. As such, they have the potential to learn how to talk after interacting with their human owners for a while.

Budgies are intelligent parrots, able to quickly pick up and mimic human sounds. Aside from talking, they can whistle to mimic human pitch and melodies. Budgies can even recognize the appropriate lexical pressure for words (or what parts of the word to emphasize) to better mimic speech.

Some budgies can pick up whistles, words, and songs without training or encouragement from an owner. On the whole, most budgies need instruction and repetition to pick up words. That’s especially true for female budgies, which are less eager learners.

Teaching your budgies to whistle can be counterproductive and hinder their talking progress. According to the American Federation of Aviculture, budgies will favor this sound, as it’s easier and more fun to copy.

This can make a budgie refuse to learn more complicated sounds.

Do Male Or Female Budgies Talk More?

Male budgies are more vocal than female budgies. In the wild, they take the lead in courting rituals by mimicking the sounds of the female mate they’re interested in.

They have a more natural inclination toward mimicking and, depending on the budgie, more practice. The female, in response, will sing and whistle to test how well the male can copy her.

Aside from that, male budgies sing and whistle to mark their territories from other birds. A male will often sing while circling its turf to keep potential intruders at bay.

Females are also capable of this, as well as mimicking in a courting ritual. However, it’s not primarily her job, so the instinct is less refined. She’ll also favor other sounds over speaking or singing.  

Both male and female budgies can sing, talk, whistle, and mimic at large. In fact, both sexes can be cheerful and noisy. However, if you want to purchase a talkative budgie, your odds of finding one are greater with males.

Female budgies are typically less vocal and will only speak when necessary.

Do Female Budgies Sing?

Female budgies sing like their male counterparts, but they prefer to refrain from doing so to avoid attracting predators, especially when nesting. Moreover, the frequency of their singing is not comparable to that of male budgies.

Female budgies are less musical and will only sing or chirp if there is an urgent need to express themselves. Their songs sound somewhat angrier than the smooth vocals of male budgies.

According to Leiden University, female birds sing more often than previously perceived, although avian experts and birdies view it as a preserve for male birds.

The study indicated that female birds sing in up to 71% of songbird species. The only distinctive factor is that budgies are not songbirds, but this does not take away the fact that female budgies also sing.

do male or female budgies talk more?

Do Male Budgies Sing?

If you have several budgies in a room, your male budgie will sing and vocalize to warn other budgies from venturing into its territory. It is a way of marking and protecting their space from other budgies.

Male budgies also sing for courtship and breeding. They begin breeding in October through March, and they may also nest during or after the heavy rains.

They sing proactively to beat the competition from other males and attract a potential mate for nesting. Male budgies may sing or make sounds to warn other budgies of looming danger.

Do Budgies Talk A Lot?

Budgies are talkative birds. However, whether your budgie talks a lot or not depends on its personality. As intelligent creatures, budgies have distinct characters.

Your budgie may be the quiet type that likes to keep to itself and avoid talking, even if it knows a few words. Conversely, you may have a boisterous and outgoing budgie who loves to speak and mimic sounds.

Male budgies are more talkative and more adept at picking up new vocabularies than female budgies. Since female budgies are less vocal, it might take some time before they learn to speak just as well as their male counterparts.

Do Budgies Learn To Talk By Themselves?

Budgies may learn to talk by themselves. Four factors determine whether your budgie needs guidance or if it will ever learn to speak.

These include the following:


The older a budgie gets, the more complex it becomes to learn how to talk. As your budgie grows older, the brain gradually loses its ability to grasp new information, including new words and phrases.

If you want to teach your budgie to speak, you should start the process early, when the budgie is 3-4 months old.


As mentioned, male budgies are more vocal than their female counterparts.

Even though each gender has the same capacity to speak, the male budgie has the upper hand since they’re instinctively more vocal.


Each budgie has a distinctive personality that determines its willingness to learn.

If your budgie is the calm type, you may have difficulty teaching it to talk. Sometimes it will know a few words but be unwilling or disinterested in speaking to you.


The environment must be suitable for learning. If you house your budgie in an extremely noisy room, it may not be able to pick up words and phrases.

Moreover, the excess noise may stress the budgie or make it sick. For best results, ensure you house your budgie in a quiet environment where it can hear you speak clearly and precisely.

Teaching Your Budgie to Talk

Assuming you’ve bonded with your budgie, teaching it to talk does not have to be complicated.

Here are some tips:

  • Talk to your budgie enthusiastically to inspire it to talk back
  • Always position your face close to the budgie when talking to it
  • Greet your budgie with “hi” or “hello” when you walk into the room
  • Use individual words when talking to your budgie
  • Repeat your words several times
  • Respond to your budgie when it tries to talk
  • Reward your budgie with treats when it uses words
  • Say goodbye when you leave the room

How Long Does It Take A Budgie To Talk?

It might take about 2 months of intense training for your budgie to learn to talk. However, the duration depends on the budgie’s age and your teaching skills.

The key is to acquire a young budgie, preferably 3-4 months old, and talk to it at every chance you get. The more you repeat your words and phrases, your budgie will quickly learn to speak and mimic your sounds.

Whether male or female, you can help your budgie learn how to talk.