Home » Is It Normal For Budgies To Stand on One Leg?
why do budgies stand on one leg?

Is It Normal For Budgies To Stand on One Leg?

It may seem concerning to find a budgie standing on one leg. Surely this is limping, injury, or a budgie favoring one leg due to discomfort.

It’s normal for budgies to stand on one leg to relax or sleep. The unipedal posture enables budgies to save energy. So, instead of supporting their weight on two legs, it gives one leg some rest.

Also, this stance enables budgies to conserve warmth, so their feathers can insulate more of the body.

You’ll find a budgie holding its foot up rather than sitting down due to the length of the tarsus. Their leg joints are long, so it’s more efficient to lift the leg.

Also, they’re still on their feet and can escape danger. If your budgie has this stance, it’s comfortable, feels safe, is sleepy, or has already fallen asleep.

Why Do Budgies Stand On One Leg?

It’s a natural instinct for budgies to stand on one foot, and all budgies do it.

The unipedal posture is something that chicks do as soon as they can walk and perch. They’ll learn it from their parents, and even if they’re separated at a young age, most will perform this behavior intuitively.

There are two primary benefits associated with a budgie standing on one leg:

Conserving Warmth

According to the Journal of Avian Biology, the main reason for standing on one leg is to conserve warmth. By lifting one foot and tucking it up under its feathers, a budgie is sharing body heat with this limb.

In cold weather, budgies rely on their heavy feathers as insulation. Since a budgie’s legs are featherless and have thin skin, they quickly become too cold. This can reduce a budgie’s core body temperature and put its life in peril if the temperature drops too much.

Budgies use their legs to thermoregulate. So, if a budgie is overheating, its blood vessels will redirect a larger portion of its blood to its feet.

Here, cold air and standing in cold water can leach heat from the feet and legs. This dissipates any warmth from the lower extremities and brings the budgie’s temperature down.

Weather and climate dramatically impact how likely a bird is to stand on one foot. For example, waterfowl are less likely to stand on one leg, either while sleeping or passing time, because they’re found in warmer climates, using water to cool down.

Therefore, lifting a leg to tuck under their plumage would be counterproductive.

Conserving Energy

We can’t discount flamingos and their willingness to stand on one leg, even in warmer temperatures.

Likewise, a budgie may continue to stand on a single leg during the summer or in a heated room. That’s because unipedal posture allows budgies to conserve energy.

By lifting one leg and resting it inside the plumage, budgies don’t need both legs to support their weight, giving the lifted leg a chance to rest. If your budgie is resting for a long period, it’ll switch between the two legs, letting one relax as the other does the work.

According to Functional Ecology, some birds sit down instead of raising one foot. This depends on how big they are and how much weight they need to support.

Since budgies are so light, raising one leg is more efficient. This enables them to stay on their feet so that they can quickly launch into the air if they observe a threat or predator.

Researchers determined that standing on one leg is correlated to a bird’s relative tarsus length. The tarsus is a collection of small bones that makes up the legs. In particular, these bones make up the budgie’s second knee or the backward-facing joint in the leg.

The longer the tarsus, the more likely a bird is to stand on one foot. If a bird has a shorter tarsus or is much heavier, it’s far more likely to sit down when resting.

budgie standing on one leg meaning

Budgie Standing On One Leg Meaning

Aside from being a natural instinct, budgies will stand with a raised foot in specific situations.

If you observe a budgie perched on just one foot, it implies one or more of the following:


When a budgie feels relaxed, it’s likely to stand on one leg. Although this seems like a minor adjustment, it uses more energy supporting its body weight on two legs.

Budgies give themselves a much-needed break and conserve energy by lifting one. It’s like the equivalent of you reclining on a sofa or slouching in your chair.

So, if you see your budgie in unipedal posture, it’s relaxing and unwinding. So, it would put both legs down when excited, playing, interacting, unsettled, or fearful.


As standing on one leg is relaxing, budgies engage in this behavior when tired or unwinding to sleep.

The budgie might even pull the leg up and put it down again in intervals when it’s dozing off. It can’t quite decide if it should sleep yet, so it’s half-committing.

At this point, give your budgie more privacy and let it wind down properly. For example, you can turn down nearby sounds (TV, radio, etc.), close the door to its room, or put a cover over its cage.


To find a budgie sleeping on one foot is the most natural thing of all. Budgies usually sleep with one leg up, and it’d be strange to find both feet down during naptime.

This isn’t a time to feed, play, or talk to a budgie. Also, a budgie might have both eyes closed, or only one eye closed, which means it’s likely sleeping.


Budgies that feel unsafe don’t stand on one leg because they need to be primed and ready for any dangers. Standing on both legs makes it easier to take flight or retreat.

If a budgie engages in this relaxing behavior, you’ve created a safe and comfortable environment.

Budgie Favoring One Leg

Of course, there are times when standing on one leg isn’t positive or normal behavior. If your first instinct is that your budgie is injured and favoring its leg, you may be right.

This is true only when the budgie refuses to stand on its raised leg. So, it may put weight on the leg, then lift it quickly again.

If one leg can’t support the budgie’s weight, it may be for the following reasons:


A budgie may have damaged its leg (or foot) and can’t stand on it, so check if the leg/foot appears swollen, inflamed, cut, or misshapen.

Your budgie may have overgrown nails, which will eventually curl in and puncture the skin, causing significant pain. If the claws are overly long, a budgie will struggle to stand on a perch.


The budgie may have an illness or disease that affects its ability to use both legs.

Toe-curling can occur for the following reasons:

  • Nerve damage
  • A tumor
  • Heavy metal poisoning
  • Stroke

In some cases, diet is responsible for a budgie’s inability to stand on both legs. It seems far-fetched until you realize that a vitamin D deficiency can weaken the bones.

Vitamin D enables the body to absorb calcium, and without it, its legs can be more easily fractured. If your budgie doesn’t get enough sunlight, this can become a problem.


Budgies’ feet are delicate, with tiny bones and joints. If a budgie constantly stands on a perch that’s improperly built or the wrong size, this can lead to foot and leg pain.

This happens when a perch is too wide or thin. As a result, it’ll need to grip too tightly to stay on its perch and be likely to fall off its perch.

This puts strain on foot joints and muscles since it still needs to maintain balance. Once the damage is done, a budgie might start favoring the more injured foot.

It’s normal for a budgie to stand on one leg, and it usually means a budgie feels comfortable, relaxed, or ready for sleep. As long as the budgie switches between legs, it’ll be fine.