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are candles bad for budgies?

Can You Burn Candles with Budgies?

Candles release smoke, fragrances, soot, and trace chemicals into the air. Budgies have delicate air sacs and lungs, so this can impact their respiratory system, especially in a poorly-ventilated room. […]

how to introduce a cockatiel to a budgie

Can Budgies Be Housed with Cockatiels?

Both cockatiels and budgies are often found together in the wild. They’re intelligent parrots, have dietary similarities, play in similar ways, and need company. This can leave owners believing that […]

does incense kill budgies?

Is Incense Bad for Budgies?

Incense diffuses odors and adds a pleasant smell to a room. Many people burn incense freely in their homes, but this should never be done if you have pet birds. […]

should I whistle to my budgie?

Do Budgies Like It When You Whistle?

Budgies whistle as that’s how they communicate with other birds. Certain whistles alert other birds of predators, while others allow budgies to check on others or inform others about nearby […]

what can budgies drink?

What Kind of Water Do Budgies Drink?

Budgies must drink clean water throughout the day. You may not think twice about filling your budgie’s water dish from the tap, but not everything in water is healthy, such […]

why are my budgies feet hot?

Why Does My Budgie Have Hot Feet?

A budgie’s internal temperature is 104-106 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s normal for a budgie’s feet to feel warm to the touch. This means it’s releasing extra heat through its unfeathered […]

can conures go with budgies?

Do Conures And Budgies Get Along?

Budgies (parakeets) are small, playful, and social, while conures are large, territorial, and private. Conures and budgies can get along but shouldn’t live together in the same cage. Budgies are […]

can I put a new budgie with an old one?

Do You Have To Quarantine A New Budgie?

Getting a new budgie is an exciting time, but there are things you must do in preparation for its arrival. Quarantining a new budgie is essential to ensure that the […]