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do budgies have a memory?

Do Budgies Have A Good Memory?

Budgies are small birds, but this doesn’t mean they’re not smart. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society claims that birds have brains of proportionate size to apes, and budgies are […]

signs your budgies doesn't like you

How To Tell If Your Budgies Doesn’t Like You

Budgies are transparent regarding their emotional state and how they feel about others. Happy budgies trill, sing, whistle, and interact with humans. A budgie that wants nothing to do with […]

can budgies have corn cobs?

Can Budgies Eat Corn on The Cob?

Corn on the cob is arguably the simplest form of the vegetable, consisting of an ear of maize. The cob is the hard, inedible center of the corn ear. Budgies […]

is cuttlebone good for budgies?

Why Do Budgies Need Cuttlebone?

Budgies need plenty of space, places to perch and climb, toys to provide entertainment, and cuttlebone to keep them healthy. Cuttlebone is the internal shell of the cuttlefish, an aquatic […]

are budgies noisy pets?

Are Budgies Noisy Birds?

Birds communicate between themselves and with human owners through chirps and chatter. Budgies are no exception, although they’re quieter than most parrot family members. Budgies reach an average volume of […]

how do budgies show affection to humans?

Do Budgies Like To Cuddle?

As small and delicate birds, budgies must be handled with care. If you’re considering a new pet bird and wondering, “are budgies cuddly birds?” the answer is no, at least […]

why is my budgie so scared?

Why Is My Budgie Scared of Everything?

It takes a budgie time to adapt to handling and accept life as a beloved family pet. Bringing a budgie into a new home requires a period of adaptation. Budgies […]

can budgies eat cereal?

What Cereals Can Budgies Eat?

Breakfast is the day’s most important meal, and cereal is the cornerstone of breakfast in many homes. As budgies express interest in what humans eat, you may wonder if you […]