Home » Top 10 Quietest Parrots for First-Time Bird Owners (with Pictures)
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Top 10 Quietest Parrots for First-Time Bird Owners (with Pictures)

While parrots are sweet and loveable birds, they can be loud and chaotic at times. So, it’s necessary to get a quiet and well-behaved parrot so that you don’t upset your family and neighbors.

All species of parrots are loud to some extent. So, when looking for the right parrot, the goal is to find a bird that makes the least amount of noise in terms of volume (decibels).

What Factors Determine How Quiet A Parrot Is?

There are no clearly established rules on what makes certain parrots louder than others.

However, scientists and seasoned owners have observed several factors that influence the decibel range of different parrots, including:


If you don’t want a noisy parrot that’ll get your neighbors worked up, we recommend looking for a small-sized parrot rather than a large one.

A little parrot has a reduced lung capacity. While this won’t stop it from chirping all day or screeching occasionally, the sound it produces won’t be as loud as a macaw.


Male parrots are slightly noisier than their female parrots.

If you’ve made up your mind about getting a specific parrot species, but still want your parrot to be more gentle on the ears, you’re better off selecting a female over a male.


A hand-raised bird is always more peaceful and easier to deal with.

That’s because a hand-reared parrot is relaxed in the presence of humans and isn’t disturbed when its environment changes. As a result, it’s unlikely to make loud noises when left alone.

Parent-raised parrots aren’t accustomed to living with humans, becoming noisy if someone approaches them. They need time to get accustomed to their new environment.

Parrots That Are Not Loud

Now that you have a broad idea of what makes certain parrots louder than others, here are some of the quieter species of parrots that you may wish to consider:



Budgies are quieter than other parrot species. These birds are often housed in groups and, even though they’re very chatty and communicative, most people find their chirping pleasant to the ears.

Given their small sizes, budgies aren’t physiologically capable of exceedingly loud screams. This makes them ideal birds to house in residential areas with neighbors.

With budgies available in various hues, these adorable birds are a wonderful choice if you want a pet that doesn’t annoy you and your neighbors with incessant shrieking.

According to the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, male budgies can develop a wider repertoire of vocalizations than females. However, they have quieter voices than other parrots.



Parrotlets are little parrots that are easier to maintain and care for due to their modest size.

Since parrotlets are robust and energetic, they’re easier to train and are amicable with people. This means it’s possible to teach them to repeat words and phrases.

However, due to their miniature stature, they can’t shriek loudly. As a result, they make good pet birds for people who enjoy parrots but don’t want any ear-piercing screams and calls.

Meyer’s Parrots

Meyer's parrots

Meyer’s parrots (brown parrots) are a species endemic to Africa. These birds are small in size and have black plumage with a touch of yellow.

Like other miniature species of parrots, Meyer’s parrots are quite easy to care for and may easily be left alone for hours without requiring human involvement.

Their verbal skills are limited, even though they can be trained to repeat a few phrases.

Bourke’s Parakeets

Bourke's parakeets

Bourke’s parakeets are renowned for their calm, easy-going demeanor.

Compared to most other parrots, they make very little noise. They’ll, nonetheless, be more communicative between sunrise and twilight. However, engaging with them at these times may calm them down and strengthen your connection with them.

Most people find the lovely sounds of Bourke’s parakeets enjoyable to listen to. So, if you live near or with other people, getting a Bourke’s parakeet shouldn’t present an issue.



Cockatiels are popular with many parrot enthusiasts due to their calm personality, laid-back charm, and intelligence. Furthermore, they’re easy to train and can even perform tricks.

While cockatiels aren’t as demanding as other parrot species, you’ll need a larger cage. They tend to be quite lively and active. Since this colorful parrot is a member of a highly social species, it requires frequent interactions, either with you or other birds, to thrive in captivity.

According to PLoS One, cockatiels can sing in unison with melodies they hear in human music. So, it’s no surprise that they’re among the most sought-after songbirds for beginner bird owners.

Female cockatiels are quieter than their male counterparts.

Senegal Parrots

Senegal parrots

Senegal parrots are popular for their humor, ability to converse, and mimicry.

However, they tend to form attachments to be one-person birds and may avoid engaging with other family members and friends. Nevertheless, these quiet parrots delight in engagement with their owners and can provide hours of entertainment for the entire family.

Despite their capacity to communicate and eagerness to vocalize, Senegal parrots won’t yell or shriek.

Pionus parrots

Pionus parrots

Pionus parrots are regarded as excellent family birds, meaning they don’t tend to cling to a single individual. However, children should only be allowed to play with them under supervision.

While Pionus parrots aren’t the best communicators, they can learn a lot of words in a short time. Because of their quietness, they’re an excellent alternative if you stay in a residential apartment.

However, your parrot will likely learn to be noisy if your household is noisy.

Barred Parakeets

Barred parakeets

Barred parakeets (lineolated parakeets) are occasionally mistaken for budgies.

Their normal call is sweet and soothing, resembling a melody.

They talk rather than shriek because they spend most of their time striving to imitate sounds and simple words.

Red-Bellied Parakeets

Red-bellied parrots

Red-bellied parrots are tiny and gentle birds that make ideal companions.

Given their diminutive size, they tend to be quiet, and they don’t shriek and squawk as much as larger parrot species. As a result, they’re unlikely to invite noise complaints from neighbors.

They can mimic noises and are skilled talkers, making them fun pets to interact with.

Red-bellied parrots are unique from most parrot species in that they seem at ease near strangers and will have no problem chattering at them.

Quaker Parrots

Quaker parrots

Quaker parrots (monk parrots) are named because they tremble and shiver. While this can be startling initially, especially for beginner owners, it’s normal.

They’re sociable birds that create emotional ties with their owners and other flock members. They also have charming, funny personalities that keep their owners amused.

Despite their lively personalities, these medium-sized parrots tend to be relatively quiet.

How To Make A Parrot Quiet

While it’s not possible to control the noise level of a parrot, there are ways to encourage your parrot to vocalize less. When parrots that are normally quiet start screeching or squawking loudly, this usually indicates an unmet need.

If your parrot suddenly starts making loud noises, here’s how to calm them down:


Most parrots vocalize loudly when bored or stressed out. So, if your parrot is constantly squawking, it is probably bored and has nothing else to do.

Providing toys helps keep them active and entertained, thus preventing them from screaming.

Spray Water

If your bird begins making a lot of fuss for no discernible reason, try spraying it with a spray bottle.

Most parrots like the soothing sensation of warm water on their feathers and will spend some time preening them to groom themselves.

As a result, they’ll calm down and reduce their screeching.


Even the quietest and the most well-behaved parrot will become grumpy and loud if it’s feeling hungry.

So, if you notice your bird’s agitated and screeching with no explanation, the chances are that it’s trying to draw your attention to its empty or unappealing feeding bowl.

Clicker Training

If your parrot’s excessive squawking has evolved into a bad habit, clicker training could be beneficial.

The concept behind clicker training is that the click indicates that your bird is about to receive a treat. You treat the parrot with its favorite food once it has quieted down in response to the clicking sound.

After a few runs of this exercise, you can remove the treat. When the bird hears the click, it automatically knows it needs to settle down.

Most parrots are smart enough to undergo this form of training.