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What’s Wrong with My Budgies Beak?

Budgies are susceptible to beak conditions and disorders. Some are benign and can be resolved at home, while others can have lasting health effects and cause deformities if not treated early.

Beak problems in budgies commonly arise due to abnormal beak growth and development, such as an overgrown beak, scissor beak, or prognathism.

Further problems may be caused by deficiencies in nutrition, physical trauma and injuries, cancer, and bacterial infections.

Some beak disorders don’t manifest visible symptoms, so it may not be easy to notice them. For this reason, you need to be aware of any changes to your budgie’s routines and behaviors.

What Does A Healthy Budgie Beak Look Like?

Budgies need healthy beaks to accomplish their everyday tasks such as eating, gripping objects, and grooming. If a budgie’s beak is damaged, injured, or infected, it’ll avoid using it entirely.

So, before you attempt to determine the underlying problem, you need to know what a healthy beak looks like. Signs of a healthy budgie beak include:

Symmetrical Shape

A healthy budgie’s beak should be uniform in shape so that the top and bottom parts fit together without leaving a gap. Also, both halves of the beak should be the same size.

No Discoloration

A healthy beak should have an even distribution of color. Discoloration of the beak is usually due to poor nutrition or damage due to trauma.

Smooth Texture

A budgie’s beak should have a smooth texture. As they grow, it’s normal for their beaks to become rough due to the shedding of keratin.

Proper Beak Alignment

A budgie should be able to open and close its beak smoothly without exhibiting any unusual angling.

what does a healthy budgie beak look like?

Budgie Beak Health Problems

Let’s explore the main reasons why budgies develop beak problems:

Developmental Conditions

Often, budgies develop beak disorders in the early stages of their lives due to abnormal beak growth and development. The most common developmental conditions that cause beak problems include:

Overgrown Beak

An overgrown beak occurs when the lower or upper beak grows too long.

Most often, the upper beak tends to grow longer than the lower beak, resulting in improper beak functioning. Overgrown beaks can be caused by nutritional problems and liver disease.

Treatment for an overgrown beak usually involves an avian veterinarian trimming the excess beak.

Scissor Beak

Scissor beak (crossed beak) is a developmental defect that causes misalignment of the upper and lower beak. While the cause of this condition isn’t always clear, it’s believed to be due to:

  • Calcium deficiency
  • Mycobacterial infections
  • Trauma

Crossed beak in young budgies is treated by applying finger pressure to the beak several times a day to realign the maxillary and mandibular beaks.

In older birds, a vet may recommend surgery and prosthetics to correct the abnormal growth.


Mandibular prognathism (parrot beak) is a disorder that occurs when the tip of the upper beak rests on or inside the lower beak. Although the real cause of this disorder is unknown, it’s believed to be genetic or the result of factors such as:

  • Poor feeding habits
  • Improper incubation

Prognathism, just like scissor beak, is treated by applying pressure on the beak. In some cases, the bird may need to wear special prosthetics to correct the condition.


Beak problems may be caused by traumatic injuries that occur during:

  • Fighting
  • Chewing on hard objects
  • Crashing into fans and windows

Common beak injuries include punctures, fractures, and tears.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Poor nutrition is one of the leading causes of beak disorders in budgies. Excess fat and protein in the diet can cause liver disease, resulting in overgrown or scaly beaks.

Calcium and vitamin D deficiencies have also been observed to cause soft beaks in budgies, cockatiels, and other small species of parrots.

Fortunately, most symptoms of beak problems caused by dietary deficiencies can be rectified through dietary adjustments.


Budgies are prone to cancer, such as carcinoma and melanoma, which can lead to erosion or discoloration of the tissues in the beaks.

Fortunately, most cancers can be treated successfully if diagnosed early. Treatment entails surgical removal of the cancerous cells to prevent them from metastasizing further.


In some cases, beak conditions in budgies arise due to bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections.

The most common infections that affect budgies include candida and trichomonas, which cause symptoms such as white lesions and swelling of the beak.

Why Does My Budgie Have An Overgrown Beak?

An overgrown beak is a condition that occurs when a bird’s upper or lower beak grows too long. While the cause of overgrown beaks is unclear, this disorder is often attributed to:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Developmental issues
  • Metabolic abnormalities, such as liver disease and viral infections

Budgies kept in captivity are at higher risk of developing overgrown beaks since they have fewer opportunities to wear down their beaks. They don’t forage for food or build shelters like wild budgies.

For this reason, their beaks will often grow too long due to underuse.

How To Treat An Overgrown Budgie Beak

An overgrown beak can impair a budgie’s ability to accomplish everyday tasks, such as feeding, handling objects, and defending itself.

If your budgie has an overgrown beak, you need to consult an avian veterinarian. The vet will examine your pet budgie to assess whether the beak is too long and check for underlying illnesses. 

How to Trim A Budgie Beak

The most common procedure for trimming an overgrown beak involves using a motorized Dremel drill. This is usually applied when trimming the beaks of older or fully grown budgies.

Typically, the budgie is restrained by an assistant. Meanwhile, the vet uses a conical grindstone drill to grind down the tip of the beak. This is done until the upper and lower beaks appear level.

During this procedure, care should be taken not to trim too much of the beak. Otherwise, the drill might damage blood vessels and cause pain and bleeding.

For small budgies, beak trimming is usually done manually using grind files or clippers. The vet may also use a nail file to sand down rough patches on your budgie’s beak to make it smooth.

How To Prevent Beak Overgrowth In Budgies

Here’s how to help your budgie maintain its beak:

Chew Toys

Chew toys are effective at keeping a budgie’s beak in shape. These items come in various materials, including edible seed sticks and non-edible toys, such as climb ropes.

Keeping chew toys inside your budgie’s cage allows them to exercise their beaks and grind them down to shape without any additional interventions.


Cuttlebones provide a rough surface for budgies to wear down their beaks. Also, they’re rich in calcium, which promotes the growth and development of healthy and strong beaks.

Unshelled Nuts

Unshelled nuts have a tough exterior that helps budgies grind down their beaks.

Is Beak Peeling Normal for Budgies?

Budgies’ beaks are made of keratin, the same material that forms human fingernails. Just like fingernails, a budgie’s beak continually grows throughout the bird’s life, so it needs to be worn down.

The keratin tissue inside a budgie’s beak often becomes flaky and peels off to allow the growth of new layers. This is a normal growth process and shouldn’t be a cause of concern.

However, the flaking and peeling of a budgie’s beak may be occasioned by injury or illness.

Budgie Beak Discoloration

A healthy budgie’s beak should be uniformly colored.

While it’s normal for a budgie’s beak to develop dull patches during molting, extreme cases of discoloration may signal an underlying health issue.

Beak discoloration in budgies is usually a sign of liver disease. If left unchecked, it can spread to other parts of the budgie’s body, such as nails and claws.

Why Is My Budgie’s Beak Bleeding?

Budgies’ beaks contain numerous blood vessels and nerves. This means any injury will result in significant pain and bleeding.

All beak injuries should be treated as emergencies since the wounds can get infected. If you notice your budgie is bleeding, examine its beak for signs of injury.

Check for bruises, cuts, and abrasions to determine the extent of the damage. Next, apply a clotting agent to the site of injury to control the bleeding before taking them to a vet for specialized treatment.

Why Does My Budgie’s Beak Look Crusty?

A crusty beak develops due to the overgrowth of keratin on the surface of a budgie’s beak.

This condition is believed to be caused by mites (knemidokoptes pilae), which attack the bird’s beak before spreading to other body parts.

Your budgie is likely to develop a crusty beak if:

  • The immune system is weakened by conditions that make it more susceptible to parasites.
  • Its cage and surrounding conditions are unhygienic.
  • A healthy budgie makes contact with an infected budgie.
  • The budgie has a genetic history that makes it susceptible to infection.

When a budgie gets mites, the beak and mouth area will form a layer of plaque that becomes thicker if not treated in time. The top part of the beak will also develop burrows as the mites start digging into the keratin layers to weaken the underlying tissues.

As the mites spread to other parts of the body, your budgie will manifest symptoms of itchiness around its mouth, eyes, and vent. This causes them to engage in scratching, which can lead to bleeding.

If not diagnosed and treated early, crusty beaks can lead to serious beak deformities, which will reduce your budgie’s quality of life.

Treatment involves the application of disinfectants or paraffin wax to suffocate and kill the mites. Alternatively, you can use modern anti-parasitic liquid ointments, such as Avimec.

budgie beak issues

Budgerigar Beak and Feather Disease

According to the Journal of Veterinary Medicine, psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) is the most common viral infection affecting wild and captive parrots.

This condition is characterized by symptoms such as the erosion of beaks and the falling of feathers. PBFD is caused by a circovirus that attacks the immune system and the cells that form the feathers and beak.

The virus that causes PBFD is highly infectious and can be spread from infected birds to healthy ones. This is done via direct contact and exposure to feather dust and droppings.

The incubation period for PBFD can take from 3-4 weeks to several years, depending on the following:

  • Amount of virus transmitted
  • Age of the bird
  • Current health status

Young budgies and those with underlying illnesses are at a much higher risk of contracting PBFD.

Signs and Symptoms of PBFD

As its name suggests, PBFD is characterized by damage to a bird’s beak and feathers. Infected birds experience abnormal feather development, such as:

  • Sharp feathers
  • Clubbed feathers
  • Abnormally short pin feathers
  • Falling of feathers

They’ll also display beak problems, such as:

  • Discoloration
  • Deformation
  • Sunken areas on the beak’s surface

Apart from the obvious feather and beak problems, budgies with PBFD may experience:

  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Depression
  • Oral lesions
  • Secondary infections

Treatment of PBFD

Unfortunately, there’s no treatment for this infectious disease.

However, supportive care in the form of good nutrition, beak maintenance, and treatment of secondary illnesses can prolong the lifespan of an infected budgie.

Isolating any infected budgies is necessary to prevent the spread of the virus.

PBFD progresses quickly, and most birds never recover from it. Euthanasia is often recommended for birds with chronic infections and severe symptoms.

Can A Budgie Survive After Losing Its Beak?

Most budgies can’t survive for long after losing their beaks. In some rare cases, budgies missing their entire beaks can learn to eat on their own over time after receiving emergency medical attention.

However, this process can take several weeks or months. So, you need to be ready to hand-feed your budgie as it slowly adapts to its new life without a beak.