Home » Why Do Budgies Chirp Constantly?
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Why Do Budgies Chirp Constantly?

You’ll find budgies chattering, singing, chirping, and vocalizing in one way or another constantly. Chirping can have various meanings, but most of them have positive explanations.

Budgies are naturally talkative, chirping a lot due to contentment, excitement, and happiness. Also, a budgie may be attempting to get your attention or requesting food.

Budgies often quieten down when scared of nearby threats. So, if your budgie is chirping, it feels safe and happy. The more talkative your budgie is, the more contented it feels.

Why Won’t My Budgie Stop Chirping?

Budgies are instinctively communicative animals. In their waking hours, budgies will naturally chirp, sing, talk, and make other vocalizations.

For budgies, this is completely normal and nothing to worry about. In fact, if your budgie was quiet, that would be a sign of distress, illness, or fatigue.

Why Does My Budgie Chirp So Much?

Budgies chirp constantly as a way to express themselves, socialize, and keep entertained.

Because they’re such social animals, you’ll find a budgie chirping to:

  • Greet the morning
  • Say hello to you
  • Call to other pets or budgies
  • Make funny sounds to amuse itself

Let’s explore the different emotions that chirping budgies are expressing:


Chirping out of contentment is the most common reason for noisy budgies.

If your budgie is happy, energetic, and interested in the world around it, you’ll find it vocalizing with little chirps as often as it can. That means you have a perfectly healthy budgie on your hands. 

You may find the budgie puffing up its feathers and chirping softly as it winds down for bed. You could also see your budgie preening itself in between chirps.


Sometimes, your budgie’s chirping will be louder and more excited than usual. Like contentment, this means your budgie is pleased and excited about something.

You’ll usually hear this type of chirping during mealtime and when your multiple budgies are talking. Remember, budgies are social creatures, and they love spending time with their flock.

You may notice louder and more excited chirps during playtime or when your budgie interacts with you. If this happens, it means your budgie is riled up and can’t help but express its happiness.


If your budgie starts chirping a lot when it sees you, that often means it’s greeting you.

Excitable chirps say, “I’ve missed you” or “I’m glad to see you.” If you’ve been gone all day at work, the budgie will express its relief at your return by vocalizing to get your attention.

Greetings usually come in the form of a bright whistle. If you notice this, whistle back. A returned whistle means that you’re saying hi to your budgie. 

Attention Seeking

Your budgie may be chirping to get your attention. After all, if your budgie can’t talk yet, chirps are all it has to use. It may chirp, dance, or bob its head to make you look its way or approach it.

Every budgie sounds different when it wants attention. The body language can also help you distinguish between normal chirping and chirping that is asking for attention.

The main clue is that your budgie only issues this special chirp when it first sees you. If you notice the same chirps when you’re out of the room, it’s likely not a call for attention.

What exactly does your budgie want? Understanding this comes with experience, observing your budgie’s habits, and knowing what a budgie needs in general. Maybe it’s asking for food, petting, or playtime.

why does my budgie chirp so much?

Why Does My Budgie Chirp When I Leave The Room?

Constant chirping is normal (and often good) in budgies.

However, you should pay closer attention if your budgie gets really chatty when you’re about to leave or have just left a room.

This vocalization can have two meanings, both of which are negative:

Contact Call

Contact calls are vocalizations that one member of the flock makes.

It serves as a question, asking, “Where are you? Are you okay?” Then, other flock members respond with the same call, assuring the first budgie, “I’m okay. I’m over here.”

Like other vocalizations, contact calls sound different from other types of noises. In fact, contact calls can be essential to how budgerigars grow up.

According to Learning Memory, contact calls help with teaching juvenile budgerigars how to speak and learning how to interpret vocalizations.

So, when you leave the room, it’s possible such a chirp from your budgie is a contact call. Most budgies think of their owners as part of their flock. A loud vocalization after you leave is your budgie’s way of asking, “Are you okay over there?”

How do you respond? Just mimic what your budgie is saying (at least, to the best of your abilities). You can whistle, give a small shout, or use any noise that would indicate a response. This will calm your budgie down and help it feel less alone.

Separation Anxiety

A small chirp is often your budgie’s way of checking up on you.

Separation anxiety is a disorder that occurs when a budgie is distressed upon being separated from its owner. Although the condition is best known in dogs, it can happen to other pets, like budgerigars.

For budgies, this anxiety often stems from a lack of stimulation. When they don’t have the right enrichment, like toys or perches, their owners are often the only source of entertainment. If you fail to spend enough time as your budgie’s playmate, it can feel isolated, abandoned, and sad.

How do you know if you’re dealing with separation anxiety? Such vocalizations will sound more distressed than your budgie’s usual calls. It may include yelling or screaming.

It can also be paired with the following symptoms:

  • Shallow breathing
  • Aggression
  • Repetitive behavior
  • Stress bars

How do you deal with separation anxiety?

  • Provide lots of toys
  • Rotate your toys so that your bird doesn’t get bored
  • Provide perches
  • Get a cage big enough for your bird to fly a bit
  • Vary food and treats
  • Don’t greet your bird immediately after coming home
  • Vary the time you get home
  • Allow time out of the cage
  • Give lots of playtime
  • Let your bird watch TV or listen to the radio from inside the cage

Why Does My Budgie Chirp When I Play Music?

Did you know that budgies are extremely musical animals? They love listening to music, singing alongside it, and dancing to it.

Science has recently looked into the musicality of parrots, and budgerigars are no exception. According to Scientific Reports, budgies react to various rhythms and are inherently inclined to tap at fast tempos.

In fact, many owners note that their budgies have their own musical preferences. If you find a budgie chirping constantly when you play music, this is likely why.

Aside from expressing itself, happy consistent chattering often means that the budgie:

Loves The Music

Budgies often chirp as a way to signal their approval.

It can mean that your budgie likes the song and wants to hear more of it. It will also dance, using head bobs and pacing as a way to keep moving.

Singing Along

Your budgie may also chirp as a way to sing along. Wild budgies mimic other songbirds and members of their flock when they hear sounds they enjoy.

Music is no different. If your budgie can’t quite mimic the song yet, it will fall back on its easiest, favorite sound: the chirp. Constant chirping can be your budgie’s way of serenading you and other pets.

Don’t be surprised if this is paired with more melodic sounds. Budgies can sing to songs on the radio, people talking, or even noises like doorbells.

Hates The Music

Budgies love music, and they will bob their head and sing when they love the tune. However, like humans, budgies have preferences. Sometimes, they dislike the music and vocalize to let you know.

This type of chirping will be more frantic and sound like a scream. It may even appear that your budgie is trying to drown out the music with its own sounds.

Squawking, wing flapping, and hissing may be your budgie’s reaction to the noise. Some budgies will even peck the source of the music.

Budgies tend to hate entire genres of music. If you notice your budgie reacting negatively to, say, opera or rock, be sure to skip the song whenever one of those genres comes on.

Why Does My Budgie Chirp When I Sing?

Budgies aren’t picky about their source of music. Your pet budgie may appreciate the radio, but it may prefer your singing voice the most.

If your budgie starts chirping constantly upon hearing your voice, this often signals happiness and approval. It may even try to sing alongside you, mimicking your tone.

Singing is a great way to spend time with your budgie. Not only are you keeping your budgie company, but you’re also providing the enrichment it would find in the wild. Budgies often sing with and mimic other flock members, keeping their minds sharp and vocalizations varied.

If you don’t have a singing voice, then don’t fret. Even whistles and your own version of birds chirping is enough to make most budgies happy.