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why do budgies go quiet?

Why Has My Budgie Stopped Talking?

Unless sleeping or resting, healthy budgies should always be making some noise, even if it is just softly chittering to itself. That’s why it’s disconcerting to find a quiet budgie.

Budgies younger than 4 weeks old are naturally quiet and will vocalize more once they grow older.

However, if your budgie has suddenly gone quiet, the reason can be due to a physical illness. Additionally, budgies who stop talking may be experiencing stress or depression.

Is It Normal For A Budgie To Be Quiet?

Budgies are naturally chatty birds. They sing to greet the morning, talk to catch your attention, and even scream to out-do the noise from radios or TVs.

A happy budgie will make noise throughout the day, taking small breaks in between. From singing to chirping to whistling, budgies are not quiet creatures.

There are times when a budgie will quiet down for a short time. This can be harmless, and your budgie will resume chattering later on.

Why Did My Budgie Stop Talking?

Budgies are natural talkers, with some possessing vocabularies of more than 1,000 words.

Males talk more than females because they use their vocal abilities during mating. However, they may prefer to whistle instead of talking or fail to receive the training needed to pick up words.

Even budgies that do talk won’t do it all of the time. Sometimes, a budgie needs to be comfortable with the people it’s with or the place it’s in before it starts talking. Likewise, if it’s just learning words, it may still prefer its other sounds and save talking until prompted.

Barring other symptoms, a budgie that has stopped talking is nothing to worry about. Chat with your budgie more often, and it should speak up again.

what does it mean when a budgie is quiet?

Budgie Stopped Singing

Like talking, some budgies sing more than others.

If your budgie never quite picked up this habit, that could be a random preference. Listening to you sing can encourage it to join in, but if it refuses, that doesn’t mean something is wrong.

Singing is more common among male budgies than females. This is because male budgies court females with singing.

According to the European Journal of Neuroscience, complicated songs are more preferred by females. If your budgie, male or female, only sings occasionally, it could mean it doesn’t feel the need to since there’s no mate nearby.

However, a budgie that used to sing and doesn’t anymore may have an illness. The discomfort will make the budgie withdraw into itself and try to keep from drawing attention. Singing usually catches attention, so the budgie will stop.

Budgie Won’t Whistle

If your budgie doesn’t whistle, this isn’t an immediate reason for concern. Budgies don’t whistle as often as they chirp or sing, and some budgies don’t like to whistle at all.

Likewise, some budgies must be taught to whistle, especially tunes or songs. Not whistling isn’t a sign of illness, so long as your budgie doesn’t show other symptoms.

Budgie Won’t Chirp Anymore

Not all budgies will talk or sing, but all budgies chirp. Most budgies will constantly make this sound if they’re not asleep. The noise will be high-pitched but often quiet.

If your budgie has stopped talking but is still chirping, then there is little cause for worry. Barring any other symptoms, your budgie has probably just decided to take a break from talking.

However, if your budgie has stopped chirping, it means something is wrong. It may be sick, scared, uncomfortable, or simply new to the cage.

What Does It Mean When A Budgie Is Quiet?

A budgie that’s completely silent is often in need of help. Take note if it refuses to sing, chirp, talk, chatter, or make any sounds for an entire day or longer.

It may need time to adjust, something changed in its environment or a trip to the vet.

Let’s explore the possible reasons for a silent budgie and what you can do:

A Baby Budgie

Budgies around 4 weeks old will not be as noisy as their adult counterparts. Unless they’re hungry or eating, baby budgies will be almost silent.

This is true even for budgies that have been removed from their parents. Being quiet is instinctive for baby budgies, as it helps them hide from predators and other dangers. They’ll begin to make noise once they can fend for themselves.

A baby budgie will only be loud when food is available. The chicks will call out to their parents when they return to the nest. Otherwise, it will keep to itself. You don’t need to do anything if this is the case.

New Budgies

Newly purchased budgies are often quiet because they’re in an unfamiliar environment.

They won’t understand the new sights, smells, or movements. As such, they’ll keep to themselves to avoid drawing attention until they feel safe in the area. There could be predators or threats lingering nearby, otherwise.

This is perfectly normal behavior. You can expect your budgie to relax and speak up after a few days, up to a couple of weeks. This depends on the personality of your budgie.

Some calm down after 3 days of exploring its cage and adjusting to the sounds of the home. Others are more timid and prefer to stay quiet for 2-3 weeks. If your budgie is otherwise healthy, there’s no need to take it to a vet.

You can help your budgie speak up faster by helping it feel safe and welcomed. Try to keep a quiet environment, give it space from you and other budgies, feed it well, and give it toys to comfort itself with.

Once your budgie is comfortable with you, it should be more eager to interact.


If normally calm and talkative budgies turn quiet, it can signify illness.

Look for other symptoms, such as:

  • Vomiting (not regurgitation)
  • Lack of appetite
  • Abnormal droppings
  • Poorly maintained feathers
  • Lack of balance
  • Changes in behavior or mood

These are common symptoms of a physical illness.

is it normal for a budget to be quiet?

Depressed or Bored

A budgie doesn’t need to be physically sick to stop talking abruptly.

It may lack enrichment, a balanced diet, or company. This can lead to a budgie growing excessively bored or lonely, leading to depression. Depressed budgies won’t feel the need to sing, talk, or make other happy gestures.

Depression may seem like an unlikely condition for birds. However, budgies are intelligent parrots that need a great deal of stimulation. Without it, they are capable of getting depressed. This can lead to mental and physical stress, which takes a toll on the body.

Other common sources of stress include the following:

  • A noisy and busy environment
  • Lack of socialization
  • Poor appetite
  • Lack of exercise

The main symptom of depression in budgies is a sudden change of behavior. For example, a noisy budgie will suddenly stop talking.

You may also notice:

  • A lack of appetite
  • Feather plucking
  • Pacing
  • Change in eating habits
  • Other behavioral changes

Depressed birds need to be given care and attention. Otherwise, depression can worsen and lead to self-mutilation. Some remedies include:

  • If your bird is alone in its cage, consider purchasing another budgie to give it a friend
  • A balanced and adequate diet
  • Playtime
  • Time out of the cage
  • Mental stimulation, like TV or the radio
  • Adding toys and perches in the cage

When caught early, depression in budgies can be remedied with enough time and attention. A vet visit will not be necessary. However, if your budgie is already plucking its feathers, you might need medical intervention.

The vet can prescribe any necessary medication and supplements your budgie will need. A vet can also recommend other methods to help your bird get back to its happy self.


Your budgie may have injured itself while flying, playing, or fighting with another budgie. It may have a limp or experience difficulty using one of its wings.

Because of this discomfort, it will withdraw into itself and try to avoid attention. This means no more singing, chirping, or talking. It may even stop making noises because it’s painful to do so.

Budgies will naturally try to hide a weakness like this, so don’t worry if you haven’t noticed any other symptoms.

Check for the following:

Every budgie is quiet occasionally. However, no budgie should go completely silent for more than a couple of hours, especially for several days.