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can budgies eat cauliflower?

Is Cauliflower Good for Budgies?

If you offer cauliflower to budgies 1-2 times per week, it has numerous health benefits. This highly nutritious cruciferous vegetable can make budgies more resilient against illnesses and diseases. It […]

do budgies have nightmares?

Why Do Budgies Have Night Frights?

Night frights cause budgies to wake up in a state of panic, flapping their wings frantically and blindly crashing into their cages. The budgie will be terrified and want to […]

do budgies recognize their names?

Do Budgies Know Their Name?

Budgies can learn words and complete sentences. They can whistle songs and mimic artificial noises, like telephones and doorbells. This is a credit to their high intelligence and social nature. […]

is chocolate poisonous for budgies?

Is Chocolate Bad for Budgies?

Budgies love to share food with their owners, and they have a sweet tooth. So, if you’re snacking on chocolate, a budgie will undoubtedly show interest in what you’re eating. […]

do budgies like sunshine?

Do Budgies Need Sunlight?

Budgies are native to Australia, so they’re naturally disposed to sunlight and warmth. Captive budgies will still need access to sunlight each day, which should be factored into the location […]

do budgies get lonely when one dies?

Can A Budgie Live Alone When One Dies?

Budgies are naturally social birds that thrive in the company of other budgies, hence why it’s always advisable to keep them in pairs. Aside from providing companionship and a playmate, […]

why has my budgie stopped talking?

Why Has My Budgie Stopped Chirping?

Budgies have a reputation for being spirited and vocal birds. A budgie that just sits there, making no noise, is rarely happy and healthy. Budgies stop chirping if they develop […]

budgie beak health problems

What’s Wrong with My Budgies Beak?

Budgies are susceptible to beak conditions and disorders. Some are benign and can be resolved at home, while others can have lasting health effects and cause deformities if not treated […]