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what to do when a blood feather breaks

Will A Budgie’s Blood Feather Heal On Its Own?

Broken blood feathers (pin feathers) are common among budgies. Most blood feathers develop without incident, but some budgies break or injure them while playing or interacting with other birds. Most […]

are bananas good for budgies?

Can Budgies Eat Bananas?

Budgies like bananas because they find them colorful, flavorful, and fun to peck at. While budgies have fewer tastebuds than humans, they’re still able to appreciate the sweet flavor of […]

do you need to cover a parakeet cage at night?

Do You Need To Cover A Budgie’s Cage At Night?

Budgies are smart and highly emotional creatures, meaning they get stressed easily. So, owners have to take extra steps to ensure their budgies feel comfortable, especially at night. If your […]

how much calcium do budgies need?

Can Budgies Have Too Much Calcium?

Calcium is an important part of a bird’s diet. It enables budgies to stay energized, keeps their bones strong, and helps females lay eggs. A budgie’s diet would be incomplete […]

can budgies have sesame seeds?

Can Budgies Eat Sesame Seeds?

Although budgies shouldn’t eat a seed-only diet, many health benefits come from seed consumption. Sesame seeds are often touted as a superfood that provides a welcome health boost. If given […]

best rope for budgies

What Rope Is Safe For Budgies?

Most companies manufacture rope toys for budgies with safety in mind. However, it can be difficult to understand which toys are safe for budgies to play with and which ones […]

what does it mean when your budgie blinks at you?

Why Do Budgies Blink Slowly?

Small budgies are known for their meaningful blinks. Budgies have three eyelids. The pair that are familiar to humans are located at the top and bottom of the eyes, closing […]

how do budgies regurgitate?

Why Do Budgies Regurgitate Their Food?

Regurgitation involves bringing up warm, mushy food from the crop with a liquid. The budgie will bob its head up and down to regurgitate before producing undigested food it can […]