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how to give aloe vera to budgies

Is Aloe Vera Good for Budgies?

Owners often use natural herbs in homeopathic treatments to keep pets healthy. One of the most commonly used plants is aloe vera, which offers budgies a range of health benefits. […]

can you tame a budgie at any age?

Can You Tame An Old Budgie?

Budgies are intelligent birds, capable of learning new things quickly. This makes them some of the easiest birds to domesticate, particularly when young. However, if you’ve recently acquired an older […]

safe weeds for budgies

What Weeds Can Budgies Eat?

The addition of plants and weeds to a budgie’s diet can have health benefits but you need to ensure the weed is safe for consumption. Non-toxic weeds that budgies can […]

can I kiss my parakeet?

Is It Safe To Kiss A Budgie?

Budgies are affectionate, sociable birds that enjoy bonding with their owners. So, you may want to kiss your budgie on the cheek or forehead to show them how much you […]

humidity level for budgies

Are Humidifiers Safe for Budgies?

Finding the right humidifier can keep a budgie’s skin and respiratory organs healthy. Humidifiers are safe for budgies, as long as they aren’t kept inside or too close to the […]

why can parrots talk and not other birds?

Why Can Some Birds Talk And Others Can’t?

Some birds can talk due to a developed connection between the cortex and the cerebellum. These two parts of the brain are in charge of language, perception, and voluntary muscle […]

is a budgie a good pet for a child?

Are Budgies Good Pets for 10-Year-Olds?

Budgies, known as parakeets, are the most popular pet bird in the world. Budgies are ideal pets for 10-year-olds because they’re energetic, chatty, affectionate, friendly, and easy to train. They […]