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what do budgies do when they are hot?

What Temperature Is Too Hot for Budgies?

Budgies (parakeets) can be found natively in the savannas or sparse woodlands of Central Australia. This can make you believe that budgies will thrive on a warm day or in […]

budgie keeps biting feet

Why Do Budgies Bite Their Feet?

Budgies are prone to behaviors that may seem odd to you. They might hang upside down, bob their heads, or sing melodies. If you notice your budgie pecking at its […]

where can I leave my budgie when I go on holiday?

What To Do with A Budgie While on Vacation

Domestic and international vacations provide a welcome break from everyday life. However, if you have pet budgies, you’ll be concerned about the implications of going on a trip. After all, […]

do budgies like fans?

Are Fans Bad for Budgies?

Temperature regulation is an important part of caring for pet budgies in the summer, which flourish in an ambient temperature of around 70-75OF. Overheating birds face the risk of hyperthermia. […]

do English and American budgies get along?

Can English And American Budgies Live Together?

These two budgerigars are the same species, known by the Latin name Melopsittacus undulatus. English and American budgies are similar in many ways, but they have differences. English budgies are […]

english budgie vs normal budgie

Do English Budgies Make Good Pets?

There are two different kinds of budgies, and both hail from Australia, most notably the mountains of the Great Dividing Range. Despite their name, English budgies also originate from Australia. […]

how many times a day do budgies poop?

How Often Do Budgies Poop?

If you own a budgie, you will spend time dealing with fecal waste. Budgies poop a lot because they have a fast metabolism. As small birds are prey animals, budgies […]